Tip of the Iceberg
In a world defined by the paradox of choice, brands are working harder than ever to stand out in the crowd. And unless you have a million dollar marketing budget, or happen to go viral, good luck rising above the incessant noise. Now that consumers experience a constant inundation of messaging, gone are the days when you could win business through volume and convenience alone. No, you’ll have to dig a little deeper in order to create a space for yourself in this crowded marketplace, and it all comes down to how well you maximize the concept of Authenticity.
Let’s Get Real
When consumers are shopping for retail brands, and when businesses are vetting potential strategic partners, they want to see behind the curtain. As a collective, we are now making choices based on the morals, ethics and perceived authenticity of the brand in question.
So how do you set yourself apart from a competitor? How do you show up authentically when writing a sales strategy or a business plan? It all begins with laying a solid foundation. Truly authentic brands cannot stand on pretty fonts and colors alone. They have something that runs deeper–a solid brand framework on which all other aspects of the business can be built.

“When you stay surface level, you’re truly selling yourself short.”
When you stay surface level, you’re truly selling yourself short. Good branding begins with a deep exploration of self, and often involves asking the hard questions. If you decide to stay surface-level, you’ll only discover the tip of the iceberg. Take a lesson from the Titanic, there’s no ship too magnificent to sink and no brand too big to fail. That’s where the Starving Artist comes in. We know that most business owners have no idea how to lay this foundation, which is why we take a strategic, intentional approach to branding, marketing execution and design.
Everyone is a Storyteller
Authentically telling your brand’s story has never been easier, but doing it in a compelling way that aligns with your business goals can feel daunting. When you partner with The Starving Artist, we take your business through our proprietary process that was developed after spending years working alongside large corporations, marketing agencies and nonprofits. We take an intentional design approach, merging innovative ideas, authenticity and beauty. From there, we build outward,
extending to website design, strategic messaging and content creation, merchandising, collateral and so much more.
When it comes to product launches, rebrands, startups and campaigns, we’ve seen it all, and there’s a replicable formula that means the difference between a stunning success and an epic fail. This is why we refuse to take shortcuts and insist on doing things the right way.
If you’re interested in learning more, please get in touch. We’d love to have a conversation with no strings attached.