Whole Story Health
Whole Story Health believes every body is different, and every body deserves its own attention and care. So, when Health Coach Allison Nooe approached us for the development of her logo, visual identity and social media graphics, this was a mission-driven project we couldn’t pass up! Allison provides specialized health and wellness plans tailored specific to each person she serves. Whole Story Health treats every client with specialized attention, because there is no “one size fits all” in health and wellness.
We completely agree with Whole Story Health’s belief that there is no “one size fits all,” which is why we worked alongside Allison to develop a visual identity that communicated her core message and mission: Adopting a healthy lifestyle and healing bodies through food and healthy living. In addition to the logo and visual identity development, we also created social media graphics to coincide with the newly established brand identity and engage her audience. Social campaigns are one of our favorite forms of advertising, as they can be simple and don’t need to be costly to offer quick ROI. Whole Story Health’s “Healthy Kitchen Makeover” offered potential clientele $100 off a complete kitchen overhaul that would swap out go-to groceries with healthier options. We are in love with the final product!